SIP appears to be broken in the Asterisk 1.6 packages released to address DSA-2550. I resorted to a hasty upgrade to Asterisk 1.8 from backports. (more…)
- n. 10 kotimaista omenaa (hapokasta)
- (½ dl calvadosta, rommia tai likööriä)
- kanelia
- 150 g voita
- 1½ dl fariinisokeria
- 4½ dl (isoja) kaurahiutaleita
- 1 dl erikoisvehnäjauhoja
Lohko kuoritut omenat voideltuun uunivuokaan. Kaada halutessasi päälle calvadosta tms. Anna maustua hetki tai muutama tunti. Ripottele pinnalle kanelia.
Sekoita fariinisokeri, kaurahiutaleet sekä vehnäjauhot keskenään. Lisää sulatettu voi ja sekoita huolellisesti. Levitä seos omenalohkojen päälle.
Kypsennä 200-asteisen uunin alatasolla noin puoli tuntia. Nauti sellaisenaan tai tarjoa maidon, vaniljakastikkeen tai jäätelön kanssa.
I noticed my Cambridge Audio DacMagic Plus was no longer recognized by my iMac and music was coming out of the built-in speakers instead. I had no idea when the DAC had disappeared, as I hadn’t listened to music in the office for a while (and had been traveling for a week as well). I moved it to another USB port and it was recognized, but the signal it received was at 48 kHz instead of 192 kHz.
I tried:
- connecting a USB headset to the problem port: it was not recognized.
- connecting the DAC to a Macbook Air: the DAC indicated a 192 kHz signal.
- an SMC reset: no change.
- a PRAM reset: I got the USB port back, but still at 48 kHz.
My searches on Google weren’t turning up anything useful about the sample rate on USB Audio. Then I happened to search for just “imac usb audio 2.0” and started reading the top hit: USB Audio on the Mac. It has a section on Clock Entities showing the Audio Midi Setup tool.
For some reason the Mac had the clock for the external DAC set at 48 kHz. Using the dropdown menu I could set it at 192 kHz and all was instantly back to normal.