WordPressiin ilmestyi yön aikana lisää käännettävää, joten nyt tarjolla oleva kehitysversio on #356 (4/21) #367 (4/22) #379 (4/27).

WordPressin koeversio #347

Kirjoitettu iltamyöhään suomeksi • Tägit:

Minna lähetti koko joukon parannuksia ja korjauksia sekä pari kyseenalaistusta WordPressin käännösteksteihin. Minnan tehokkuuden innoittamana käärin kasaan testiversion numero 347. Sen voi ladata suomenkielisen WordPressin kotisivulta:


Kuten aina koeversioiden kanssa: käyttö omalla vastuulla! Jos koko blogisi hajoaa tai artikkelit katoavat taivaan tuuliin, paras tapa toipua on palauttaa tietokanta ja tiedostot varmuuskopioilta. (jatkuu…)

DoFollow and nightlies

Written in the mid-afternoon in English • Tags: ,

If you are running a recent nightly or svn checkout, you’ll probably need to upgrade to DoFollow 1.3.

The patch detection stopped working due to a change in the wp_filters data structure. I probably should not be looking inside such stuff, but there is no interface to check if a filter has been enabled. I don’t have any other clever way to see if the speedup patch has been applied. (And I don’t want to give up hope yet on the patch being committed to svn one day…)

DoFollow updated

Written in the wee hours in English • Tags: ,

I just deployed DoFollow on a vanilla WordPress 1.5 installation, and found out that there was a bug in the nofollow tag removal logic used with an unpatched version of the code. If the timeout was set to zero for immediate tag removal, it wouldn’t work. I’ve fixed it, so you should all upgrade to DoFollow 1.2 now.

Quotes in Finnish

Written late in the afternoon in English • Tags: ,

Another WordPress plugin: Finnish Quotes

The quote marks used in Finnish differ from those used in English. The reverse curly quotes are not used at the beginning of the quotation, instead the same quotation mark is used for both the beginning and the end. This plugin will insert an additional filter after all the default wptexturize() filters to replace the reverse curly quote marks with the forward one.

Download: finquote.php

Suomenkielinen WordPress

Kirjoitettu nukkumaanmenoaikaan suomeksi • Tägit: , ,

WordPress on ”henkilökohtainen julkaisualusta” eli bloggaus-ohjelma. Se on toteutettu PHP-kielellä ja käyttää artikkeleiden talletukseen MySQL-tietokantaa. Olen käyttänyt WordPressiä osana oman sivustoni toteutusta vajaan vuoden, ja olen ollut erittäinen tyytyväinen. Niin tyytyväinen, että vietin muutaman yön ja päivän monitorin ääressä kääntämässä sen uutta versiota suomen kielelle.

WordPress 1.5:n käännös on nyt valmis. Samalla minusta on tullut suomenkielisen version ylläpitäjä.

Käännetyn version voi ladata WordPress (FI) -sivulta.

I’ve completed translating WordPress 1.5 to Finnish. In the process I’ve become the maintainer of the translation in the WordPress i18n repository. Download links are on the WordPress (FI) page. (1)

Welcome to WordPress 1.5

Written late in the evening in English • Tags:

The WordPress download page has version 1.5 available! I’m up and running 1.5 as of a couple of minutes ago, although I’ve been running and tweaking the latest CVS code for the past couple of days anyway. Or I maybe I should say “untweaking,” as really I’ve been able to remove almost all of the local changes, and move many of the remaining ones to plugins.

Cool stuff, especially all the new goodies for plugins!

DoFollow plugin for WordPress

Written late in the afternoon in English • Tags: ,

Due to the low volume of comments on my site, I didn’t think it is necessary to tag links in comments with the rel="nofollow" attribute. All the links in the handful of comments that exist are just fine. I created a plugin to disable such automatic tagging.

Download: dofollow.php


Time Zone plugin for WordPress

Written early in the evening in English • Tags: ,

WordPress implements a nice wide selection of hooks for plugins to modify the functionality of the software. I’ve used some of the most recent ones to override the time offset value with information derived from the operating system. The benefit is that WordPress can now automatically observe DST changes.

The result: timezone.php — download it now!
