Clean up legacy network interface naming

Written in the mid-afternoon in English • Tags: , , ,

Predictable network interface names are all the rage in Linux distros these days. My systems are of various vintage so most have carried on with eth0 and eth1 through upgrades by having old udev rules kept around.

To get with the times a few steps are needed: (more…)

Today I wanted to use phpMyAdmin for the first time in quite a while, only to see errors when viewing a table. Lucky for me, there was an easy fix. (more…)

Blockquoted code blocks, part 2

Written late in the morning in English • Tags: ,

For seven years I’ve maintained a small patch to PHP Markdown Extra. However, the upstream was not happy with it, so I just kept my local copy patched. Now I’ve given in: as Markdown has become very popular, it has been better to just adopt a syntax that works across different implementations (e.g. with GitHub Flavored Markdown). (more…)

I’ve been switching my NetBSD machines to using a serial console lately, as it is easier to copy output from it (no more screen shots). (more…) (2)

Nested screens

Written at lunch time in English • Tags: ,

I occasionally want to run nested screen sessions and this configuration allows me to use the same control character for both the inner and outer sessions by switching between them. (more…)

I updated security/sudo to 1.8.31. A fix for CVE-2019-18634 is included. (more…)
TIL: continue in sed(1) is really not n; but rather { p; d; } (at least in simple enough cases). (more…)