Suomenkielinen WordPress

Kirjoitettu nukkumaanmenoaikaan suomeksi • Tägit:

WordPress korjaa RSS-virtoihin, paluuviitteisiin ja päivitysilmoituksiin liittyneitä ongelmia. Joskus minuutit tuntuvat olevan kortilla, mutta sainpas tänä iltana paketoitua suomenkielisen version:

Postilistojen hiljaisuuden ja oman käyttöni perusteella tämä versio vaikuttaisi olevan ongelmaton. Jos törmäät ongelmiin, voit kirjoittaa niistä suomenkielisen version postilistalle (tai minulle — mutta tällä hetkellä olen aika kiireinen muiden asioiden parissa).

Sencer did a new round of weblog software benchmarking. It’s an interesting read even if you are not looking to switch from what you are using.

Multilingual blogging

Written in the mid-afternoon in English • Tags: ,

David Sasaki (oso) wrote on the wp-polyglots mailing list with some questions for an article he is working on about “multilingual, multicultural, and transnational blogs.” I answered him and I also wanted to post here about blogging in two languages.

As you may have seen my blog now respects the language settings of your browser. You will not see posts in languages that you have not enabled in your browser (unless your settings would rule out all posts). If you want to see all posts, just make sure your browser is configured to requests both English and Finnish content. To exclude a language, check that your browser settings include all the languages you do want to see.

As an example, if your browser is configured to only prefer content in German (de), you would currently see all posts (since I don’t have any in German). If you’d rather not see the Finnish content, you can add English (en) to the list of preferred languages. This would result in the Finnish ones to be excluded (just force a reload of the page).

Read on for the questions and answers… (more…)

I took a personality test to get this morning started, and found out I’m a starving artist. :-) [via Minna] (more…)
I’ve learned that many people don’t look at the time of a post. Well, I do — and it disturbed me that the times on my posts didn’t match the time of day that I was writing them. So I’ve adjusted the blog part to use US Eastern time again, until I’ve actually moved to another time zone. Outside the blog you will continue to see Finnish (a.k.a. East European) time.
I took a few minutes to upgrade leafnode to version 1.11.2 as news/leafnode to address a denial of service vulnerability. Update your pkgsrc tree to get the new version.

DoFollow 2.0

Written late at night in English • Tags: ,

I’ve released DoFollow 2.0 to go with WordPress 1.5.1. The functionality is the same as before, and the plugin can be used with (an unpatched) 1.5 as well.

The patch I had proposed to core WordPress functionality is gone: the developers prefer to keep the current nofollow implementation as is. If you had previously applied the patch, you can download a copy from Mosquito issue #1087 and reverse it (e.g. using patch -p -R).

I wanted to make this change to DoFollow, as it removes a chunk of code that was digging in some internal structures of WordPress that don’t have an exposed and documented API. Now it is much less likely that changes to DoFollow would be required for maintaining compatibility with future WordPress releases.

Suomenkielinen WordPress 1.5.1

Kirjoitettu illalla suomeksi • Tägit:

Uusi WordPress 1.5.1 on ilmestynyt, ja nyt myös suomenkielinen versio on valmis. Sen voi noutaa osoitteesta

Uusista ominaisuuksista voi lukea Dev Blogin ilmoituksesta. Uusi versio sisältää tietoturvaa parantavan korjauksen, joten päivittäminen on suositeltavaa.

Erityisesti haluan kiittää Minnaa käännöksen tason kohottamisesta.

A Thread of Grace

Written in the wee hours in English • Tags:

It’s difficult to say right away why one should read this book. In fact, it would seem easier to say why one might not want to read it. Mary Doria Russell’s latest book, A Thread of Grace, is about Jewish refugees in North-Western Italy during the last couple of years of WW II. It’s fiction, but based on memories and stories of real people.

At first it seems there are too many characters to keep track of, but soon when the book switches between each storyline you’ll recall them all. In the back of your mind you can’t wait for the next turn for each of the characters while reading the chapters about others. (And if you temporarily lose track, there’s a list in the beginning of the book for your reference.)

While I was reading the book I kept thinking how impossible it is to understand what was going on in WW II. You’ll get an idea from the book, but I don’t think words can properly convey it all. The people who have experienced it are probably not likely to want to share their stories. What happens when the generations with the memories are gone?

The name of the book refers to the courage and generosity demonstrated by the Italians providing shelter for the refugees. However, having just finished the book, it feels haunting to me. It would be easier to not think about wars — in a way they seem unreal to me, never having experienced one (and hopefully I never will).

Yet I’d recommend this reading this book. I also recommend passing it on to a friend so you can talk about it afterwards, rather than keeping your thoughts to yourself.

Aikataulu kiristyy

Kirjoitettu kamalan aikaisin aamulla suomeksi • Tägit:

Olen näemmä jäänyt asettamastani aikataulusta hieman jälkeen. Ehkä se selittää kohonneen stressitason, mikä puolestaan kostautuu vähentyneenä nukkumisena. Radioamatöörin lupakirja taitaa jäädä hankkimatta: en ole ennättänyt opiskella yhtään. Tällä viikolla on pakko saada ainakin muuttofirmojen arviot alulle. Ja kohta on jo taas puolet viikosta mennyt…