Search tweaks

Written at evening time in English • Tags: ,

Some time ago I added some UTF-8 pages to this site. I promptly started receiving one error message per page from the Swish-e search engine I’m using. Of course, the search results also showed “garbage” since Swish-e only handles single byte characters.

Today I got tired of the errors arriving in my mailbox, so I dug into the code and fixed things. (more…)

Muuttivat ehtojaan mokomat, niin eihän sieltä Blogilistalta viitsinyt pysyä poissa. Hyvä niin.

Pois Blogilistalta

Kirjoitettu aamulla suomeksi • Tägit:

Blogilistan uudet käyttöehdot sisältävät vieläkin outoja rajoituksia:

  • palvelun kautta saatua sisältöä ei saa välittää edelleen
  • palvelua ei saa käyttää tekijänoikeudella suojatun aineiston levittämiseen

Tämän blogin juttuihin saa kuitenkin linkata ja niitä voi lainatakin, kunhan lähde mainitaan. Omasta puolestani sillä ei ole väliä, miten olet tämän blogin sisällön alunperin vastaanottanut.

Omistan tekijänoikeuden näihin omiin teksteihini, enkä halua siitä luopua. Rikkoisin ymmärtääkseni käyttöehtoja, jos jättäisin oman blogini yhä Blogilistalle.

Näppärä tapa seurata blogin harvoja juttuja on tilata syöte. Itse luen blogeja ja muutakin materiaalia selainpohjaisella Google Reader-ohjelmalla.

Nokia E65 on Asterisk

Written late in the afternoon in English • Tags:

I reconfigured my Nokia E65 mobile phone to connect to my Asterisk PBX, so I can make and receive SIP calls instead of cellular calls when I’m at home or at the office. I already had the corresponding WLANs configured on the phone for web browsing, so I didn’t have to do that part now (and thus those settings are not documented here). (more…)

Fingerpori vaikuttaa hauskalta, joten tein sille RSS-syötteen Hesarin sivulta raapimalla. —

Tuning the phones

Written early in the evening in English • Tags:

I spent some time with my parents about a month ago fine tuning the echo cancellation on our SIP phones. Today I got a chance to refresh my memory while connecting the phones of a friend to a CallWeaver PBX I had setup for him. Hopefully I have now collected in one place all the settings that were changed from the factory defaults. If you have a Linksys SPA3102 phone adapter or a Linksys SPA942 phone, you may find some useful hints in here. (more…)

Hiding from spammers

Written at lunch time in English • Tags: ,

For a long time now I’ve removed the generator meta tag from all WordPress installations I’ve setup. Mentioning WordPress is just honey for the bees. Since I removed the meta tags the amount of spam has decreased remarkably. Posts about WordPress are targeted much sooner and for much longer than other posts.

Starting with WordPress 2.4 the generator information is inserted by the core code, as opposed to the theme. This means that the meta tag will reappear even if you have removed it from your theme. However, this is actually a good change, because now you can disable the tag not only from the HTML pages generated by the theme, but also from all other formats WordPress outputs. The information is created by a couple of functions centrally instead of scattered instances through the code.

I’ve created a plugin to accomplish this: No Generator works with the trunk code from svn, and will work with 2.4 once it is released.

Suomenkielinen WordPress 2.2.3

Kirjoitettu puoliltapäivin suomeksi • Tägit:

WordPressin versio 2.2.3 on tietoturvapäivitys. Sen asentamista suositellaan välittömästi.

Lataa suomenkielinen WordPress 2.2.3

Lisätietoa englanniksi: korjatut bugit ja muuttuneet tiedostot.

The bridge kludge

Written late in the afternoon in English • Tags: , ,

I ran into a model symptom of lacking multicast support with IPv6: a system wouldn’t answer to IPv6 traffic it didn’t initiate. But unless you’ve run into the problem before and managed to diagnose it successfully, you might not realize it’s about multicast.

It was my second Debian Linux system with IPv6 connectivity that gave me a start. I built one more system and got the same results. I could have sworn the first one had worked fine without any tricks. I considered it, but decided I’d rather not abandon IPv6 on Linux. After all, I had it running on all the other platforms (NetBSD, Mac OS X, Windows). (more…)

Version non-control

Written early in the evening in English • Tags:

What am I doing wrong? I’m using svk to mirror a public svn repository. I use a local copy of the mirror for committing my changes for testing on my own sites before proposing patches for upstream. When I want to merge in upstream changes, I end up losing all my local changes as well. This is not supposed to happen! (more…)