Images, please

Written at lunch time in English • Tags: , ,

I’m following most web sites with Google Reader these days. With some sites I’ve noticed that images don’t show up in the reader interface. I figured this would be because the site is attempting to protect against hot-linking to its resources — and it seems I was right.

The quick fix with Firefox is to disable sending referer-information for inlined images. You can do this in about:config by changing the value of network.http.sendRefererHeader to 1.

While there, I also changed network.http.sendSecureXSiteReferrer to false. This prevents referer-information from being sent between different secure sites.

Fingerpori vaikuttaa hauskalta, joten tein sille RSS-syötteen Hesarin sivulta raapimalla. —
Since I added microformats to my site just about a year ago, the spec has been changed to use more distinct class names. I’ve updated my site to match. (more…)
I have been wondering why archived copies of my site look so ugly in the Wayback Machine. Today I realized it is all my fault: they obey my robots.txt file, which disallows crawling the directory with all the style sheets in it. I’ve fixed that, but it’ll be quite some time before they catch up to today…
Googlesta ei ollut apua, kun yritin löytää Viiviä ja Wagneria RSS-virtana. Joillakin kaupallisilla webbipohjaisilla lukupalveluilla se näyttää joskus olleen, mutta ei niissäkään ollut mitään, mikä näyttäisi toimineen viime aikoina. Niinpä tein skriptin, joka raapii Hesarin sivulta tietonsa…

Switching to Gregarius

Written in the mid-afternoon in English • Tags: ,

I’ve switched to reading feeds with Gregarius because I grew tired of tweaking my old reader, unfortunately code that apparently is no longer developed. Gregarius has more bells and whistles than I’ve had time to look into, and I had to change my reading habits a bit, but not too drastically. Installation was a breeze and I could move all my feeds with a couple of clicks using an OPML file. Gregarius is also themable and pluggable, which is always a guarantee for hours of fun adjusting the behaviour to your liking. (more…)

The pictures are back!

Written late at night in English • Tags: ,

Well, this is only for those of you who browse with MSIE: the images on my (non-blog) pages are back. For example, I’m sure the Proxy through SSH document is easier to follow with the screen captures visible, instead of staring at blank spots. (The blog pages were already fixed earlier.)

I wonder how many more times I’m going to be writing about the same problem — it is just so very annoying that I have to at least vent a little after fixing the same thing over and over. This time I had to add an extra <div> element on the pages, which makes it even more frustrating (“unnecessary” extra elements). Well, I put some comments in the code so I’d remember why it is there…

Not that I noticed this one on my own, either. I was talking to someone about a page, and got an odd “what picture?” response. At least I now immediately remember to fire up MSIE when I hear something like that.

Alternative browsers you could switch to: Firefox and Opera.

Playing with microformats

Written early in the evening in English • Tags:

I’ve been taking it easy today just practically invisibly improving the code on this website. The hAtom microformat was brought up recently on one of the WordPress mailing lists, so I thought I’d see about adding support for it here. It was actually rather straightforward: I didn’t even have to rename any of my CSS classes.

The only remaining issue (which is not really an issue at all) is that the post author is not showing up in the the microformat parser I’ve been using to test. According to the hAtom spec the default should come from the XHTML author, which according to my undestanding is specified using the <meta name="author"> tag. I’ve specifically added such a tag, as I don’t display the author in each post, since I feel it would be silly to repeat my name throughout the page.

Since the recommended author data format was hCard I added general support for it on all my pages, too.

As a side effect of all these changes I’ve also fixed a couple of the spots that used to render irritatingly poorly with the Lynx web browser. CSS with its display property was highly useful in keeping up appearances on the other browsers. “Extra” elements added for Lynx can easily be hidden with display: none;. As another example, while <p> is quite useful in adding some extra spacing in Lynx, it is often desirable to undo the effect on other browsers using display: inline;.

Looks like another calculation bug in IE

Written in the mid-afternoon in English • Tags: ,

The recent Microsot Internet Explorer (IE) problem was bothering me, because it meant the pages were not usable with IE. I wouldn’t mind a cosmetic problem as much (even though they tend to get to me, too) but links not working and pictures not being visible is just too annoying.

I was playing with the CSS, experimenting with the “floating dt” that I had avoided in the last workaround due to it “disappearing” on IE. When I made the dd element floating as well, I saw that IE was rendering the contents below and outside the white box (#envelope) that holds the main content on each page. In the past this has been a giveaway for IE miscalculating the size of the containing element, and sure enough — the “fix” was an added width: 100% property for the misbehaving container.

The “invisible images” were restored to visibility with the same fix on the appropriate container. I’m glad it didn’t need another couple of hours of CSS tweaking in the dark.

It’s nice to have the site working again, but I’d rather not spend my free time on something stupid like inventing workarounds for a buggy browser. (Not that I expect Microsoft to pick up any hints from here.)


Who broke IE again?

Written early in the afternoon in English • Tags: ,

My brother just told me that this site is broken (again) in Microsoft Internet Explorer: the links in the “asides” entries are not clickable and pictures in posts are not visible (but the layout still has their space reserved). This is especially frustrating since there haven’t been any changes to the site code (XHTML or CSS) since September 11th, and everything definitely worked then in both Firefox and IE. Of course, there have been a number of “IE updates” since through Windows Update…

I’d like to fix this right away, but I’m far too busy with other things at the moment. I did try a couple of CSS changes, but didn’t land on the solution yet.

In the mean time: Get Firefox already. :-)