Rocky start

Written early in the morning in English • Tags:

Here are some quick notes for how I got a Rocky Linux 9.3 VM up and running.

Install using the minimal ISO image.

  • Should I have used the boot image instead?
  • Where is the difference explained?

Install QEMU guest agent, my preferred shell (tcsh), and some tools to make my dot files work.

  • The EPEL repo has CVS, so enable it.
  • The CRB repo must be enabled to use EPEL packages.
dnf install qemu-guest-agent
dnf install tcsh
chsh -s /bin/tcsh $USER
dnf install epel-release
crb enable
dnf install cvs
dnf install make
dnf install perl

Configure static IP addresses with nmtui (or nmcli).

  • A static IPv4 address in manual mode.
  • A static IPv6 address in auto mode, so that the default route is picked up from the RAs.

Move SSH to another port. This required some extra steps in addition to just configuring sshd.

semanage port -m -t ssh_port_t -p tcp $PORT
firewall-cmd --add-port=$PORT/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

If the port is not assigned yet in the SELinux policy, you would use semanage port -a instead of -m.


  • Can’t seem to find BSD make (tried pmake, bmake, and bsdmake).
  • Can’t seem to find nvi.

I could just slap Nix on here, but then I could just run another NixOS VM instead…