I implemented my dream about Swish-e-based search some time ago, but today I finally figured out how to make the results page look like the rest of the site. (more…)
… if only I had packed the cable for the camera. I took some photos to show the general landscape of the area in Finland where I grew up, and I thought I’d post them (and some other new photos) but that has to wait until I return home.
Googlesta ei ollut apua, kun yritin löytää Viiviä ja Wagneria RSS-virtana. Joillakin kaupallisilla webbipohjaisilla lukupalveluilla se näyttää joskus olleen, mutta ei niissäkään ollut mitään, mikä näyttäisi toimineen viime aikoina. Niinpä tein skriptin, joka raapii Hesarin sivulta tietonsa… http://kimmo.suominen.com/stuff/vw.xml

Switching to Gregarius

Written in the mid-afternoon in English • Tags: ,

I’ve switched to reading feeds with Gregarius because I grew tired of tweaking my old reader, unfortunately code that apparently is no longer developed. Gregarius has more bells and whistles than I’ve had time to look into, and I had to change my reading habits a bit, but not too drastically. Installation was a breeze and I could move all my feeds with a couple of clicks using an OPML file. Gregarius is also themable and pluggable, which is always a guarantee for hours of fun adjusting the behaviour to your liking. (more…)